Hai everyone! Salam PKP 3.0
I hope all of you guys are doing fine ya. I have been busy since last month actually, even MCO I still have to work as my company is categorized as essential businesses. I have drafted this post few days ago, but I just publish it today as I need to make sure my content is proper and understandable. Usually I will post if I have something good that work well for me. So today, lemme share with you guys about this great product that I have been using for almost a month :)
Actually last month, I ada minor breakout yang I pun tak tahu punca yang menyebabkan breakout tu, yang obvious sikit dekat area mulut and dagu, yang ni I yakin sebab I pakai mask all the time waktu kerja. The pitfall of having this breakout, muncul la acne scars and dark spot dekat area tu, tak banyak tapi obvious jugak especially kalau bukak mask. So I started to find a product yang ada vitamin C sebab selain alpha arbutin, vitamin C ni merupakan one of the most popular and superstar ingredient dalam skincare line. You guys takkan menyesal add vitamin C dalam you punya skincare routine, trust me.
So guess what, I jumpa a great skincare product yang ada vitamin C as a main ingredient dalam product mereka, yang paling penting sesuai dengan my skin concern. They have sent me 3 of their best selling products which is cleanser, clear gel serum and moisturizer.
So ladies and gentleman, lemme introduce you ORYN skincare.
To be honest, sebelum ni I tak tahu sangat mengenai ORYN Skincare ni, sampai satu hari I jumpa kat instagram terus terpesona dan terpengaruh dengan ingredients and benefit yang mereka claim untuk product mereka. Yang penting made in Korea, usually product yang made in Korea ni bagus.
Powerful ingredient ORYN Skincare :
- Vitamin C
- Niacinamide
- Hyaluronic acid
- Aloe vera extract
- Salicylic acid
- Comfrey plant
This cleanser is the best, cleanser ni sangat gentle and mild-foam formulation means bukan cleanser yang jenis banyak buih, sometimes cleanser yang banyak buih boleh damage your skin barrier. Cleanser ni takkan buat skin kita rasa stripping and pedih selepas cuci muka. Korang pernah pakai Cetaphill gentle cleanser tak ? kalau pernah dia punya texture and buih lebih kurang dengan mybright gentle cleanser from ORYN skincare ni. Even tak berbuih tapi muka tetap rasa bersih and sejuk je after cuci :)
Hydrabright clear gel ni is my holy grail. Serius bagus! I letak dekat my active acne as a spot treatment sebelum tidur, keesokkan paginya I perasan jerawat terus kecut. I letak juga area hidung yang selalu ada whitehead or blackhead, but after I apply this serum for few days, area hidung tu rasa smooth je sebab serum ni ada salicylic acid which is sangat bagus untuk treat you punya jerawat, redness, blackhead and whitehead. Hydrabright Clear Gel ni dia punya texture sama macam serum biasa tapi tak sticky and fast absorb. I will repurchase this!!
Girls, if you are looking for moisturizer that can help to brighten up your skin. I suggest you to purchase this moisturizer. You punya skin akan rasa lembap and makeup pun smooth je selepas pakai moisturizer ni, I sejenis yang tak suka pakai primer tapi I perasan moisturizer ni buat makeup i smooth. Texture macam cream tapi tak berminyak atau sticky, fast absorb juga bila apply kat muka rasa sejuk and wangi. Ingredient dalam moisturizer ni sangat bagus, selain vitamin C ia juga mengandungi arbutin, glutathione, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid and natural plants. Dan semua ingredients ni boleh bantu cerahkan kulit, hilangkan scars, darkspot at the same time boleh hydrate you punya skin. All in one la boleh dikatakan.

Untuk texture ketiga-tiga product tu, you boleh refer above picture yer. Personally, I suka dengan ORYN skincare punya product and formulation, texture tak oily, tak rasa melekit bila pakai, fast absorb and sangat gentle and lab tested tau sebab tu skincare mereka sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit termasuk those yang kulit sensitive. ORYN skincare punya product ada orange scent, tak kuat sangat pun just neutral and light-light sahaja, I suka sangat bau dia! Harga? Jangan risau harga dia sangat berpatutan, mampu milik. Product bagus tak semestinya yang harga mahal, cuma kena cari yang bersesuai sahaja.

Skin type : All skin type including sensitive skin
Packaging : High quality and sturdy
Repurchase : Yes!
Rate : 4.5/5
How to apply :
AM routine :
Mybright Gentle Cleanser > Toner > Hydrabright Clear Gel > Hydrabright Moisturizer > Sunscreen
PM routine :
Mybright Gentle Cleanser > Toner > Hydrabright Clear Gel > Hydrabright Moisturizer
Where to Purchase :
For those yang nak purchase product from ORYN Skincare ni, you boleh beli melalui website, instagram & shopee, klik link kat bawah pun boleh yer :)
Ok that all for today, thank you so much ORYN Skincare for producing such a great product! Oh before that, don’t forget to share your thoughts and questions about this skincare in the comment section below. I’ll reply each of your comments okay 🌷
Take care and stay safe everyone. Thank you so much for reading 💖
Much love, Hidayah.
Thank you for sharing. Will purchase it via shopee 💕💕💕